A place for experimentation. I enjoy studying/practicing new techniques and trying to keep up with the ever-evolving landscape of 3D simulation. Currently revolving around Houdini/Redshift and a bit of Unreal blueprinting in the works. Occasionally those experiments will wind up here.
RBD SOP solver testing. Guiding RBD/point-based simulations with velocity fields
More time with vellum inside of Houdini. Using Vellum brush to guide a simulation without forcing final outcome
Semi-automatic Ceramics. A quick python experiment with the Add SOP. When run the script will generate a randomized profile, revolve that curve and select from a provided material list. Next steps would be applying this through an ML algorithm which I have yet to dig deeper into.
No... Dynamic pressure constraints with Vellum.
One of my favorite oscillators emulates formants of vowel sounds. Written on a modular synth, animated in Houdini, rendered in Redshift
When Redshift has had enough